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Fun Things to Do With Your Girlfriend or Boyfriend

A relationship can be very fulfilling if it is with your right person. Romance and intimacy is a major factor of any loving relationship but it doesn't have to be physical intimacy only to consider one's relationship fun-filled; it can become dull at times but that doesn't mean you're getting weary of each other but, some spark is needed to light up your life together and taking it to a next level. What more fun it would be to create wonderful, new experiences with 'The One'?! Below we will share a list of suggested activities, that you can enjoy doing with your partner in a couple style to eradicate boredom from your special relationship.

Watch the Sunup or Sunset together- that would give you a very serene feeling of togetherness and closeness.

Go to theme parks, if you're young or wish to feel young again, it can be a lot of fun- go to the one where the entire landscaping is based on specific themes; like jungle or wildfire, fairy tales etc take exciting rides together and enjoy your time in togetherness to the most, as you're going to laugh and giggle and shriek a lot.

Museums can be a lot of fun for those who have penchant for learning about history, culture or art together. Visit the local museum and learn with fun in each other's company.

Eat out at the place which is surrounded by the natural scenery and landscapes; perhaps prepare a picnic at some mountain top, you can also enjoy the mountain climbing at the same time. Maybe choose to go for a romantic Lunch or Dinner at the restaurants with the view.

For an extra added thrill, with a pinch of salt, you can go for scary movies; guys love it especially because the girl gets up close.

For the caring types, you can sign up for some voluntary work for any noble cause. That is going to be fun and soul satisfying at the same time for both for you. You might like to try keeping a pet together, that can be great fun and very occupying activity too.

You can also try playing video games together as games console and can bring much excitement. You can choose your favorites and swap them off and on to keep the fun alive and keeping the boredom away.

Might like to give a shot at getting a professional photo shoot together, you can get funny and sweet, lovely shots taken together. The photos are going to become a memory you will always cherish together.

For foodies, both of you can try cooking together; try new recipes, your favorites or create your own this is going to like "Bon appetit" to your relationship.

Buy and wear identical bracelets, rings, lockets or T-Shirts, caps etc, this is a nice way of feeling a close bondage as well but with the element of fun present in the gesture.
Try going on without talking with each other for a whole day and whatever you wish to say to each other, just write it down on a paper or in an email and send it to each other. You might also like to try writing a poem for each other.

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